THEN BOOM. SCRUM… 5SD064 Hanna Aho Lind

Hello again, fellow classmates and teachers. Like everyone else this week I´m writing about scrum and how it has affected my developement.

Scrum is a method we have almost been forced to adept in the production from the teachers of the course, hence why we in group Troll have worked closely with it. We have had several lectures about it, and even an individual lesson from our scrum-master Kim.

For me to be able to tell how scrum has affected me and my developement I need to go back a few months, back to when I were still in charge of everything. All my life, taking responsibility, working hard and controlling the outcome of things, has been seen as positive traits. So I grew up to naturally take the “boss” place in everything.  Being the sole leader, working on every part of a project, has therefore become a part of my personality.

Then BOOM.

Game design.




In my group we tried to be agile around our backlog, but also strict about how much we are supposed to work each sprint. Every monday morning we would have a sprint-plan-meeting where we would decide what should be pulled from the backlog unto the sprint plan for the week. We all decided as a team what should be done each week, so that we would work on the same part of the game. For example if we in art made assets for the menu, our programmer would code the buttons for the menu etc.

In earlier projects where we hadn`t worked with scrum it often happened that we had different thoughts about what was needed to be done and in what order, but after implementing scrum and sprint-weeks it has worked more clearly than ever.

As a result we worked better and produced more coherent assets to our project than before thanks to implementing scrum, sprint-plans and agile thinking. Of course the thing that forced me into this sudden change of thinking, and my groups far better work and planning is because of us working with scrum. Thanks scrum.

Thanks for reading!


2 thoughts on “THEN BOOM. SCRUM… 5SD064 Hanna Aho Lind

  1. Hi, I’m Emma of team Qilin!

    You’ve written a really interesting piece on how scrum has affected your development. It is a fairly personal reflection, and a very well written one. I think you very clearly explained how scrum has affected your own attitude and perception of working in a team and reading about that was really interesting. Your thoughts are presented in a very clear way, and everything you write has sound reasoning and explanations.
    That said, one thing that might have been nice would have been if you’d have written more about how scrum has affected the group dynamics and workflow. I can quite clearly see how it’s scrum specifically that has triggered the development you’ve written about, however, it might be an idea to point out more specific things as well as the whole. As is you sometimes lose track of that scrum is what triggered your personal development.
    All in all I think you’ve written a nice, if personal, reflective piece that explains how scrum has affected you and why. I’m not sure what the ‘what’ part of the critique would refer to on the topic of scrum, but you’ve written a comprehensive reflective post so I think you’re fine.

    Good luck this week!

    Emma Jelving Eklund

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